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Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь - rhythm


Связанные словари

Перевод с английского языка rhythm на русский

1) ритм 2) ритмичность, периодичность, цикличность – rhythm of increased forceactivity rhythm – alpha rhythm – atrio-ventricular rhythm – beta rhythm – cardiac rhythm – circadian rhythm – cortical rhythm – day-night rhythm – delta rhythm – diurnal rhythm – endogenous rhythm – gallop rhythm – heart rhythm – idioventricular rhythm – nodal rhythm – respiratory rhythm – seasonal rhythm – semidian rhythm – sinus rhythm – synchronal rhythm – theta rhythm – triple rhythm – ultradian rhythm
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См. в других словарях

  1. ритм moders rhythms —- ритмический строй современной музыки rhythm of speech —- ритм речи rhythm of an engine —- ритм (работы) двигателя 2. группа инструментов, обеспечивающая ритм (в эстрадном оркестре; также rhythm section) 3. стих. размер iambic rhythm —- ямб dactylic rhythm —- дактиль 4. гармония (в искусстве и т. п.) 5. ритмичность; ритмичное движение; периодичность, цикличность, постоянная смена vital rhythm —- жизненный цикл rhythm of the seasons —- смена времен года rhythm of history —- ритм истории 6. способ контрацепции, основанный на использовании бесплодных периодов менструального цикла (также rhythm method) ...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  noun  1) ритм  2) размер (стиха) ...
Англо-русский словарь
  ритм, такт - circadian rhythm ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  n. 1 a measured flow of words and phrases in verse or prose determined by various relations of long and short or accented and unaccented syllables. 2 the aspect of musical composition concerned with periodical accent and the duration of notes. 3 Physiol. movement with a regular succession of strong and weak elements. 4 a regularly recurring sequence of events. 5 Art a harmonious correlation of parts. Phrases and idioms rhythm and blues popular music with a blues theme and a strong rhythm. rhythm method birth control by avoiding sexual intercourse when ovulation is likely to occur. rhythm section the part of a dance band or jazz band mainly supplying rhythm, usu. consisting of piano, bass, and drums. Derivatives rhythmless adj. Etymology: F rhythme or L rhythmus f. Gk rhuthmos, rel. to rheo flow ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   noun  Etymology: Middle French & Latin; Middle French ~e, from Latin ~us, from Greek ~os, probably from rhein to flow — more at stream  Date: 1560  1.  a. an ordered recurrent alternation of strong and weak elements in the flow of sound and silence in speech  b. a particular example or form of ~ iambic ~  2.  a. the aspect of music comprising all the elements (as accent, meter, and tempo) that relate to forward movement  b. a characteristic ~ic pattern rumba ~; also meter I,2  c. the group of instruments in a band supplying the ~ — called also ~ section  3.  a. movement, fluctuation, or variation marked by the regular recurrence or natural flow of related elements the ~s of country life  b. the repetition in a literary work of phrase, incident, character type, or symbol  4. a regularly recurrent quantitative change in a variable biological process a circadian ~ — compare bio~  5. the effect created by the elements in a play, movie, or novel that relate to the temporal development of the action  6. ~ method ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (rhythms) Frequency: The word is one of the 3000 most common words in English. 1. A rhythm is a regular series of sounds or movements. He had no sense of rhythm whatsoever... N-VAR 2. A rhythm is a regular pattern of changes, for example changes in your body, in the seasons, or in the tides. Begin to listen to your own body rhythms. N-COUNT ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~ n 1 a regular repeated pattern of sounds or movements  (the exciting rhythms of African drum beats | the rhythm of your heartbeat) 2 a regular pattern of changes  (the rhythm of the seasons) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  - c.1557, from L. rhythmus "movement in time," from Gk. rhythmos "measured flow or movement, rhythm," related to rhein "to flow." In M.L., rithmus was used for accentual, as opposed to quantitative, verse, and accentual verse was usually rhymed. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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